peggyappel 24th May 2012

I have a picture of Scott and Ann standing in our living room with the date, "Jan. 1985", so I can say I had the privilege of knowing Ann for 27 years. She was always delightful to be around, always very interested in whatever interested those around her. I remember when our first child was born in 1986, Ann wrote in her card that she had heard "glowing reports from Scott" and couldn't wait to meet Alana. She was always a devoted aunt, taking an interest in her nieces and nephews. The "Appel ladies" spent a week in Virginia last summer to celebrate Della's 80th birthday. In a conversation I had with Ann there, I discovered that Ann had lived her life endeavoring to reach her full potential mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially according to Luke 2:52 which says, "Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man." She was truly blessed to be a blessing to all of us. Peggy Appel, Ann's sister-in-law